dear stronger girls,

Stronger Girl Blog - Dear Stronger Girls - Letter from Founder Stacy Smith Rogers

keep listening to the whispers of truth the ones experienced through the JOY, as well as the PAIN

February 9, 2023

Stronger Girls All Over the World

Dear Stronger Girls,

Thank you. Your example of being a “stronger girl” keeps this planet real, other women INSPIRED and UPLIFTED, and younger generations ENCOURAGED.

KEEP LISTENING to the whispers of truth… the ones experienced through the JOY, as well as the PAIN. You’ll often hear them through the unexpected people and circumstances you experience, and even through those quiet moments when you feel alone. (You’re not, ya know.)


EMBRACE the challenges.

CELEBRATE the wins.

DON’T BE AFRAID of the losses.

And, continue to show us how it’s done, STRONGER GIRL.


The Stronger Girl Rising Team
